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There are potential variables that are kept constant for each trial in a set of trials.

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Q: What is a experimental constant?
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What is the name of the data which must NOT change during an science experiment?

The constant/experimental constant.

What is experimental constant?

The parts of an experiment that stay the same.

How many variables are kept constant in a experiment?

All variables except one, the experimental variable, are kept constant in an experiment.

What is the relationship between Control and experimental groups?

control groups are those which you keep constant you don't do anything to them and experimental groups are the ones which you are adding something to it to see what happens

What is the difference between experimental variable and a control variable?

In a controlled experiment, the control variable remains constant while the experimental variable changes with each trial of the experiment.

What is the difference between an experimental variable and a control variable?

In a controlled experiment, the control variable remains constant while the experimental variable changes with each trial of the experiment.

Suggestions for percent error R gas constant?

To calculate the percent error for the gas constant (R), you would compare the experimental value to the accepted value. Subtract the accepted value from the experimental value, divide by the accepted value, and then multiply by 100 to get the percent error. This will help you determine the accuracy of your experimental measurement of the gas constant.

What is the difference between control and experimental variables?

Control variables are kept constant throughout an experiment to ensure that any changes in the dependent variable are due to the manipulation of the independent variable. Experimental variables, on the other hand, are the factors that are deliberately changed by the researcher to observe their effect on the dependent variable.

What is the definition of control variable?

A controlled variable is one which is not allowed to change unpredictably during an experiment. Because they are ideally expected to remain the same, they are also called constant variables.An example of a constant variable could be the voltage from a power supply. If you are examining how electricity affects an experimental subject, you would keep the voltage constant, as otherwise the energy supplied would change as the voltage did.

Jenny recorded the effects of eating spinach on her health. Which of these is a control variable?

The control variable (or scientific constant) in scientific experimentation is the experimental element which is constant and unchanged throughout the course of the investigation.Eating Spinach

Maria recorded the effects of doing homework on her intelligence. Which of these is a control variable?

The control variable (or scientific constant) in scientific experimentation is the experimental element which is constant and unchanged throughout the course of the investigation. Doing Homework

What is the difference between a control groups and experimental groups?

The control is a group that is held constant and is not experimented with, The experimental group is the group that is experimented with