

What is a factor number of 98?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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11y ago

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The factors of 98: 1, 2, 7, 14, 49, 98

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Q: What is a factor number of 98?
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Is the number 98 a common factor?

Yes, it is.

How do you find the prime number of 98?

Use a factor tree. 98 49,2 7,7,2

Is 3 a factor of the number 98?

no 90 93 96 99 102 so not 98

Is 98 a factor?


How to get the factor of 98 in prime numbers?

Use a factor tree. 98 49,2 7,7,2

What is the greatest factor of 49 and 98?

Since 49 is a factor of 98, it is automatically the GCF.

How do you factor out 98?

Two ways to approach this problem:Factor out the given term prime by prime.Factor out the term by the number you really know that divides that number!Then, 98 is factored to:98 = 2 * 49= 2 * 7 * 7= 2 * 7²

What is the greatest common factor of 98 and 112?

The greatest common factor of 98 and 112 is 14.

What is the greatest common factor for 49 and 98?

Since 49 is a factor of 98, it is automatically the GCF.

What is the greatest common factor of 34 and 98?

The greatest common factor of 34 and 98 is 2.

What are the factor pairs of 98?

The factor pairs of 98 are (1,98), (2,49), and (7,14).

What is the greatest common factor of 21 and 98?

The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 21 and 98 is 7.