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A family is a column in a Periodic Table; all elements in a family have similar physical and chemical properties, because they have the same numbers of valence electrons (outer electrons).

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Q: What is a family on the periodic table?
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What does family mean in the periodic table?

a family of the periodic table is like a group of elements of the same type.

What family is the argon found in the periodic table?

Argon belongs to the noble gas family on the periodic table.

What family does bohrium belong to in the periodic table?

Group 7 of the periodic table.

What are the family's of the periodic table?

Groups or families are the vertical columns on the periodic table. Periods are the horizontal rows on the Periodic Table.

On the periodic table which chemical family is Aluminium located in?

Aluminium is located in the Group IIIA - the Boron family on the periodic table.

Is a group of elements in the periodic table known as a family of elements?

Yes it is a group is a family remember that when dealing with the periodic table.

What family is cesium in on the periodic table?

Cesium is in the alkali metal family on the periodic table.

What family of the periodic table does fluorine belong to?

Fluorine belongs to the halogen family in the periodic table.

What is a family in chemistry?

A family is a vertical column in the periodic table. Elements in a family all share similar characteristics. There are 18 families in the periodic table.

What is a group (family) in the periodic table?

The alkali and alkaline earth and transitions are all groups of the Periodic Table ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW: A group or family is the vertical columns on The Periodic Table of the Elements.

What element is in the halogen family and in the second period of the periodic table?

Fluorine is in the halogen family and in the second period of the periodic table.

Which family on the periodic table contains magnesium?

Magnesium is located in the alkaline earth metals family on the periodic table, specifically in group 2.