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A quadrilateral.

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Q: What is a figure called with 4 sides?
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What is a figure of 4 equal sides called?

a square

What is a plane figure with 4 sides?

a group of 4 sided shapes is called a quidrilatriel

Why is a rectangle called quadrilatural?

A quadrilateral is a figure with 4 sides. Since a rectangle has four sides, it is a quadrilateral.

What has 5 corners and 4 sides?

noting but a 3D figure called a pyramaid

What figure has 4 sides?

A Quadrilateral. Figures that have four equal sides are called squares. Whereas, other figures that have four unequal sides are called quadileterals

A 4 sided shape which has 2 parallel sides?

This figure is called a trapezoid or trapezium.

What is a four sided figure with 4 equal sides and no right angles called?

A Rhombus

What is the geometric name for a figure that has 4 sides?

Quadrilateral is the name fr a geometric figure with 4 sides.

What is a figure with 5 sides called?

a pentagonpentagon.A pentagon is a figure with five sides.

A hexagon has many sides what is that called called?

A hexagon is a 2-dimensional figure with six sides. In general, a 2-dimensional figure with many sides is called a polygon.

The sides of a solid figure is called a?

A side of a solid figure is called a face.

A rectangle with 4 right angles and all sides the same length?

Such a figure is called a square. Actually only one right angle is enough to force the the other angles to be right, and if three sides are equal, that forces all sides in such a figure to be equal. Exercise: Prove that any 4-sided figure( called a quadrilateral in math books) with three equal sides and one right angle is a square.