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It's quite acceptable to call it an 18-agon but what's more important is knowing how to work out its properties.

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Q: What is a figure with 18 sides called?
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What is the geometric figure that has 18 sides?

An octadecagon

What is a figure with 5 sides called?

a pentagonpentagon.A pentagon is a figure with five sides.

A hexagon has many sides what is that called called?

A hexagon is a 2-dimensional figure with six sides. In general, a 2-dimensional figure with many sides is called a polygon.

The sides of a solid figure is called a?

A side of a solid figure is called a face.

What is the name of a 18 sided shape?

A polygon refers to a plane figure that has at least three straight sides and angles. An 18 sided shape is called an octadecagon or octakaidecagon.

Which shape haves 12 sides?

A 2-dimensional figure with 12 sides is called a dodecagon. A 3-dimensional figure with 12 sides (faces) is called a dedecahedron.

A distance around a figure for a figure with straight sides it is the sum of the lengths of the sides?

Yes, and it is called the perimeter.

What is a figure with seven sides called?

A heptagon is a polygon that has seven sides.

What do you call a quadrallateral with no sides?

It's called an internally contradictory definition. "Quadrilateral" means a figure with four sides. A figure with no sides is not a quadrilateral.

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What is a figure with five sides called?

a pentagon.

What is a figure that has 6 sides called?
