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Q: What is a figure written above the line?
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How do you change fractions to decmals?

divide the figure under the line into the figure above the line

What information does a superscript tell you?

Superscripts are figures, numbers, indicators, or symbols that are smaller than the usual line of type. They are set slightly above the usual line.

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What do you call the figure written below the line in a fraction?

The denominator.

What is a figure in which all line segments that can be drawn between points on the figure are not contained in the figure?

It is a concave figure, which can only be formed in figures with four or more lines (quadrilaterals and above).

What term refrs to the text that is raised slightly above the regular line of text?

Text written slightly above the line (like this) is called superscript.Text written slightly below the line (like this) is called subscript.

What is a ledger line?

A ledger line is a line on a musical stave that you insert when a note is written above or below the stave. For example, in the treble clef, a ledger line is seen when a note is written below middle C, or above the second A above middle C.

How many sets of perpendicular line segments make up the figure above?


What is the name of the line in between the donomanater nd nomanater?

If the numerator is written above the denominator, the line is called the "bar". If the fraction is written in-line like 1/2, the line is called a "virgule".

A line that forms an edge of a figure?

The line that forms the edge of a figure is an edge line. Which forms the figure the has been drawn. You use this line to define a drawing or a figure.

What is the dingbat answer for stand written above i and there is a bar line between them?

i under stand :)

What is a letter or number written beneath a line of print called?

A subscript is below the line, as in 52 or 5x; a superscript is above the line: 52.