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Recoverable reserves= Volume of hydrocarbon * recovery factor

Recoverable reserves= [7758* Vf*P*((1-Sw)/FvF)] * R.F

Vf:Volume of producing formation(acre-feet)

P: Porosity

Sw: Water Saturation

FvF: Formation Volume Factor

R.F: Recovery Factor(Percentage of oil in place thats recoverable)

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Q: What is a formula for calculating recoverable and in place well reserves?
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What are the problems with roman numerals?

There are no problems in calculating Roman numerals as one of the mightiest Empires in the ancient world found them quite easy because a zero symbol wasn't required for positional place value purposes as the positional place value of the numerals are self evident.

What is bibhorr's formula?

Bibhorr's formula is used to find bibhorr's angle and uses a constant called bibhorr's constant which is eual to 0.5

How do you write a fraction notation?

Whether you have a percentage or a decimal, each of them are in pieces of a hundred e.g 60% or 1.6o .........when calculating fractional notation place the given value over a hundred 60/100 or 160/100 which is really 1 and 6/10. mitch

How would a crime scene investigator use trigonometry?

Examples include: validating the line of sight evidence of witnesses. calculating the angle of a shot being fired and therefore the direction from which a shot was fired. If several shots were fired in a small time interval (so the shooter was more or less in the same place), the shot trajectories identify his/her location. in the case of blunt instrument injury, calculating the angle of impact can give some indication of the relative heights of the victim and assailant.

Why are Indians numerals easier to use than Romans ones?

Because the Hindu-Arabic numeral system contains a zero symbol for positional place value purposes making calculations a a lot easier whereas the Roman numeral system does not have a zero symbol in it thus leading to confusion when calculating.

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