Formula: psi x 6.895 = kPa
Use this formula: psi x 0.07031 = kg/cm2
Multiply inches of WC by 0.0361 to obtain PSI.
Seconds/3600 = Hours
KPH X 0.62137 = MPH (Statute Miles)
To convert kilometers per hour (kph) to miles per hour (mph), you can use the formula: 1 kph = 0.621371 mph. So, to convert kph to mph, you simply multiply the speed in kph by 0.621371.
Here it is:mph x 0.000447 = km per second
Multiply km/h x 0.621371 to get mph. Example, 60 km/h x 0.621371 = 37.2822 mph
Formula: psi x 6.895 = kPa
30 inches of mercury = 14.73 psi (1 inch of mercury = 0.491 psi So, 30 x 0.491 = 14.73).
Required for what ? Factory specifications call for a minimum of 13 psi at warm idle. Approximately 10-30 psi at idles and 40-70 psi at 55 mph is considered normal.
Use this formula: psi x 0.07031 = kg/cm2
Multiply inches of WC by 0.0361 to obtain PSI.
You need to multiply PSI by 6894.75729, which gives 8,273,708.75 pascals
To convert cm/s to mph, you can use the following formula: 1 cm/s is equal to 0.0223694 mph. So, to convert, multiply the speed in cm/s by 0.0223694 to get the speed in mph.
The formula to convert water tank pressure (psi) to feet of head is: Feet = psi * 2.31. This formula is derived from the equation for hydrostatic pressure, which relates pressure to the height of a fluid column.