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It is an over-simplified chemical formula which is just plain wrong. For example, acetylene is C2H2 and benzene is C6H6. Nobody would write these as CH.

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Q: What is a formula that shows the simplest whole number ratio of atoms in a compound?
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What type of formula is based on the actual number of atoms that comprise a molecule of that compound?

The empirical formula shows the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound, while the molecular formula gives the actual number of atoms in a molecule.

The empirical formula is always the accepted formula for what?

The lowest whole-number ratio of atoms in a molecule

What is the empirical formula for compound whose molecular formula is N2O4?

The empirical formula for a compound represents the simplest whole number ratio of atoms present in a molecule. For the molecular formula N2O4, the empirical formula is NO2 because it shows the simplest ratio of nitrogen and oxygen atoms present in the compound.

What is an empircal formula?

An empirical formula represents the simplest whole-number ratio of elements in a compound. It does not necessarily reflect the actual number of atoms in a molecule but provides information on the relative proportions of elements in a compound.

What is an emperical formula?

An empirical formula represents the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound. It does not provide information about the actual number of atoms present in a molecule. To determine the empirical formula, one must divide the subscripts of the compound's molecular formula by the greatest common divisor to obtain the simplest ratio.

What formula gives the lowest whole-number ratio of moles of atoms in a mole of molecules?

The formula that gives the lowest whole-number ratio of moles of atoms in a mole of molecules is the empirical formula. This formula represents the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound. It is determined based on the elemental composition of the compound.

An empirical formula may not be the smallest whole number ratio of atoms in a compound true or false?

True. An empirical formula is the simplest whole number ratio of atoms in a compound, but it may not always be the smallest possible ratio. The molecular formula, which gives the exact number of atoms in a compound, may be a multiple of the empirical formula.

What is the formula of imperical?

The empirical formula of a compound is the simplest whole-number ratio of the elements in the compound. It is determined by dividing the molar ratios of the elements in a compound by the smallest molar value to obtain whole numbers.

How do you describe an empirical formula?

An empirical formula shows the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound. It does not provide the exact number of each atom present in the molecule. This formula helps in analyzing the basic elemental composition of a compound.

The empirical formula may not represent the actual composition of a?

compound accurately because it only gives the simplest whole number ratio of elements in a compound. It does not provide information about the actual number of atoms or the arrangement of atoms in the molecule.

What is the empirical formula for the compound P406?

The empirical formula for the compound P406 is P2O3, which represents the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in the compound.

Can the empirical formula of a compound be triple its molecular formula?

No, the empirical formula represents the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound, while the molecular formula shows the actual number of each element present in a compound. Therefore, the empirical formula cannot be triple the molecular formula.