A decimal is a fraction. 93600 is a whole number and cannot be expressed as a fraction so 93600 cannot be written as a decimal.
Fraction ( of 1)
Both a fraction and a decimal (right of the decimal point) are parts of a whole.
51/100Method: To convert a decimal figure to a fraction, use the numbers after the decimal point for the top figure. And for the bottom figure (the divisor) put 1 for the decimal point, and a zero for every number after it. So 0.921 = 921/1000
A decimal number is one in which the place value of each digit is ten times the place value of the digit to its right. (... , thousands, hundreds, tens, units, tenths, hundredths, ... ) A decimal point is used to separate the units from the tenths. If a number in decimal form has non-zero digits after the decimal point then it is a decimal fraction. [There is one esoteric exception: if the decimal point is followed by an infinite string of 9s, then it is not a decimal fraction.] Thus 37.6 is a decimal fraction 0.6 is a decimal fraction 0.00000063 is a decimal fraction 37 is not a decimal fraction. 37.0 is not a decimal fraction. 37.999... recurring is no a decimal fraction [it is in fact = 38].
A decimal is a fraction. 93600 is a whole number and cannot be expressed as a fraction so 93600 cannot be written as a decimal.
Fraction ( of 1)
It is a decimal fraction.
It is a decimal fraction.
When a mixed number (a whole number and a fraction) is written as a decimal, the decimal point divides the whole number and the fractional part. 12 and 75/100 = 12.75 a dot placed after the figure representing units in a decimal fraction.
It is 5 - just as in the question. Since it is an integer, there is no need for the decimal point or any 0s.
Both a fraction and a decimal (right of the decimal point) are parts of a whole.
51/100Method: To convert a decimal figure to a fraction, use the numbers after the decimal point for the top figure. And for the bottom figure (the divisor) put 1 for the decimal point, and a zero for every number after it. So 0.921 = 921/1000
A decimal fraction.
A decimal number is one in which the place value of each digit is ten times the place value of the digit to its right. (... , thousands, hundreds, tens, units, tenths, hundredths, ... ) A decimal point is used to separate the units from the tenths. If a number in decimal form has non-zero digits after the decimal point then it is a decimal fraction. [There is one esoteric exception: if the decimal point is followed by an infinite string of 9s, then it is not a decimal fraction.] Thus 37.6 is a decimal fraction 0.6 is a decimal fraction 0.00000063 is a decimal fraction 37 is not a decimal fraction. 37.0 is not a decimal fraction. 37.999... recurring is no a decimal fraction [it is in fact = 38].
Yes. Supposing the decimal terminates after n digits following the decimal point. Then consider the fraction whose numerator is the integer formed from the decimal by removing the decimal point. The denominator is 10n or 1 followed by n 0s. This fraction is equivalent to the terminating decimal.
Yes a whole number is a number without a fraction or a decimal point.