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Q: What is a frequency distribution for continuous quantitative data?
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Can frequency distribution contain qualitative data?

frequency distribution contain qualitative data

Two classifications of quantitative data?

Discrete and continuous.

What is a cumulative frequency distribution?

According to Anderson, Sweeney Williams book Essential of Statistics For Business and Economics, 4e Edition, 2006 p. 34 cumulative frequency distribution is "a variation of the frequency distribution that provides another tabular summary of quantitative data." In simple terms, the cumulative frequency distribution is the sum of the frequencies of all points or outcomes below and including the current point.

What is an 'ungrouped frequency table'?

A frequency distribution of numerical data where the raw data is not grouped.

Would it be advantageous to group the data before constructing a frequency distribution?

The answer depends on the nature of the data and the domain. If the domain is continuous or very large relative to the number of observations, then it is very advantageous.

What is a frequency distribution for a set of data?


What is data handling in maths?

frequency distribution

Why you prefer normal distribution over other distributions in statistics?

we prefer normal distribution over other distribution in statistics because most of the data around us is continuous. So, for continuous data normal distribution is used.

What are some benefits of representing data sets using graphs of frequency distribution?

Organizing the data into a frequency distribution may make patterns within the data more evident.

How do discrete and continuous data relate to quantitative data?

discrete data can only be whole numbers whereas continuous can be fractions decimals don't necessary have to be counting numbers as we know them. 1,2,3...

What is the purpose of a frequency distribution?

. It is to organize raw data