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Q: What is a full thickness tear of the distal anterior and med fibers of supraspinatus tendon measuring 2.9 x 2.1 cm moderate muscle atrophy and tendinoisis?
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Is the subscapular fossa located anterior or posterior to the supraspinatus and infraspinarus fossae?

The subscapular fossa is located anterior to the supraspinatus and infraspinatus fossae on the scapula.

What are 7 muscles that attach the scapula to the thorax?

Trapezius Rhomboids Serratus anterior Levator scapulae Pectoralis minor Subclavius Deltoid

What is the antagonist of rhomboid muscle?

There are more than one: The deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres major and minor and the subscapularis.

What is the Prime mover for abduction?

the supraspinatus ...I think Deltoid muscle(acromial part)

What is the abductor of the upper arm?

Abduction of the arm occurs in three segments, and hence is performed by three different sets of muscles. From 0-15 degrees, the arm is abducted by the Supraspinatus muscle. From 15-90 degrees, the arm is abducted by the Deltoid muscle. From 90-180 degrees, the arm as abducted by the Trapezius muscle with help from the Serratus Anterior muscle.

What is the prime mover of shoulder abduction?

The prime muscle differs depending on the degree of abduction. From 1 to 20 degrees it is the supraspinatus muscle, from 20 to 90 degrees it is the deltoid and from 90 degree and above the action is done by that rotate the scapula (trapezius and serratus anterior).

What is the function of the anterior horn cell?

The anterior horn cell is a specialized nerve cell located in the spinal cord that plays a key role in motor function by sending signals to muscles to initiate movement. Damage to anterior horn cells can result in muscle weakness, paralysis, and other motor function deficits.

What muscle moves the scapula?

Biceps Brachii Coracobrachialis Deltoid Infraspinatus Latissimus Dorsi Levator Scapulae Omohyoid Pectoralis Minor Rhomboid Major Rhomboid Minor Serratus Anterior Subscapularis Supraspinatus Teres Major Teres Minor Trapezius Triceps Brachii

Is the clavicle anterior or posterior compared with the scapular?

The clavicle is anterior to the scapula.

What term is opposite of anterior?

the opposite of anterior is Posterior.

Muscles involved in shoulder girdle abduction?

Supraspinatus muscle (first 20 degrees), Medial Deltoid (beyond 20 degrees). This is the reason why many weight lifters, performing Lateral Shoulder Raises 'bounce' or 'flick' the weight at the beginning of the movement when fatigued or the load is too heavy - to circumvent the weak suprasinatus

What is the muscle when you raise your arm?

The raising of the arm can be divided into three phase. The initial phase is carried out by the supraspinatus muscle. After the arm as been raised to 30 degrees, the deltoid muscle takes over. This muscle performs this action until the horizontal plane. In the last phase, the serratus anterior raises the arm above the horizontal plane. So the answer to your question is the supraspinatus muscle, deltoid muscle, and the serratus anterior muscle.