It could be just about anything, that is why it is called "general." It is a chart that is organized for you to record things you observe about whatever subject you are observing.
See related links for an example of a general observation chart used in the medical field.
Differentiate between simple bar chart, multiple bar chart and component bar chart with examples
This would be an hypothesis (an educated guess).
what is qualilative observation
In the general category of communicating your results. most call it "analyzing results"
It could be just about anything, that is why it is called "general." It is a chart that is organized for you to record things you observe about whatever subject you are observing. See related links for an example of a general observation chart used in the medical field.
It could be just about anything, that is why it is called "general." It is a chart that is organized for you to record things you observe about whatever subject you are observing. See related links for an example of a general observation chart used in the medical field.
take the values from the chart and then add all the observations by total number of observation! it is good that it is not a polygon!
The use of a specific observation to reach a general conclusion. (APEX)
chart of accounts
How to you show the title when someone is an "Acting General Manager"
Differentiate between simple bar chart, multiple bar chart and component bar chart with examples