

Best Answer

The so-called "IQ" parameter, and the tests administered to measure it, are

supposed to be independent of age.

The idea is that anyone with average intelligence for his age will score near 100,

anyone who is mentally challenged will score significantly below 100, and anyone

with advanced intelligence for his age will score significantly above 100.

Even after the many years since the IQ concept was developed, there are still

many caveats, cautions, suspicions, and problems that go along with it. It's most

useful as a diagnostic tool when it's used in conjunction with other observations

and examinations. It's not a quick tool with which to limit a person's opportunities

or give his self-esteem a boost.

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Q: What is a good IQ score for a 11 year old?
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Is 100 a good score for an 11 year old

Is getting 105.6 a good IQ score for a 11 year old girl?

That is a good score. It puts her as a solid average which is from 90 to 110.

Is a 155 IQ score good for an 11 year old?

100 is average for anyone

What is a good pacer test score for an 11 year old girl?

well when i was 11 last year i got 85 (I'm a girl) but i am a good runner so a good score would be like 50-70

What is the average IQ score for an 11 year old?

The average IQ score for an 11 year old girl is approximately 104.

Is 132 a good IQ score for a 11 year old boy?

WOW that's really good i got 132 IQ score and im 12 years old(girl)

Is 105 a good IQ score for 11 year old?

Well, I'm an 11 year old girl and my score was also 105. 100 is the average so you about average. You would have to be 130 or more to be considered above average or genius.

Is a 45 on a par 36 golf score good for an 11 year old?

Yes it is. Don't push yourself to much. At 11 just enjoy being a kid.

Is 97 a good IQ score for a 8 year old girl?

An IQ score of 97 for an 8-year-old falls within the average range. This means the 8-year-old girl is performing at a level similar to her peers in terms of intellectual ability. Keep in mind that IQ scores are just one measure of cognitive functioning and should be interpreted in conjunction with other factors.

What is the average Beep Test score for an 11 year old?

Six and a half

Is 127 a good IQ score for an 11-year-old girl.?

Around about 100 is average, so 127 is good. He or she should easily get to university if the work is put in.

Is 119 a good score for an 11 year old boy?

A Standard Score of 119 on a cognitive test is above average. It's description is not age-dependent (a 119 is above average at any age).