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Most typing/clerical jobs require a minimum of 8,000 KPH.

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Q: What is a good alphanumeric keystroke per hour score?
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Related questions

How do you convert keystroke per minute to keystroke per hour?

Multiply by 60.

What's a good keystroke per hour score?

180-200 kpm is above average. That converts to 10,800-12,000 kph.

How do you convert keystroke per hour to keystroke per minute?

there are 60 minutes in an hour. So divide your Ks/H by 60 to give you your Ks/M

What is the average 10 key strokes per hour?

The average 10 keystroke per hour is 8,000. Anything over 8,000 is considered good and 10,000 KPH is usually considered high speed.

What is a good score for CRT strokes per hour?

.Type your answer here..8000

Can you be approved for a quick loan within an hour?

Depending on where one applies for a loan, one can be approved for a quick loan within an hour. Credit checks can be done within minutes often and if you have a good credit score.

What does CRT Strokes per Hour mean and what is a good score?

Back when computers first came on the scene, we used to work on what we called "CRT Terminals" - they were big, clunky machines - all in one computer and screen. They didn't do much, just a green screen with white characters (kind of like current day DOS). We used them mainly for data entry, hence the strokes/hour score. How many characters can you enter in an hour.

Which does scour rhyme withhour or pour?

Scour rhymes with hour. If you wanted an "s" word that would rhyme with pour, you might choose "score".

Is Rush Hour a good film?

Yes, Rush Hour is a good film.

What is the average alpha numeric keypunch speed?

The average alphanumeric keypunch speed is around 8,000 to 10,000 keystrokes per hour. However, individual speeds can vary based on experience, skill level, and typing technique.

How to Convert 75 miles per hour to inches per score?

Conversion formula: mph x 1.11080379 × 1010 = inches per score (20 years)75 mph x 1.11080379 × 1010 = about8.33102846 × 1011 inches per score

How long is milk good after cooking?

its good after an hour lol:)