

Best Answer

-- a person walking

-- an ant running

-- a car driving

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Q: What is a good model to demonstrate the relationship between distance and time?
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What gives the relationship between the measurements on a drawing or model and the measurements of a real object?

It is a matter of scale.

When does it make sense to chose a linear function to model a set of data?

If a linear model accurately reflects the measured data, then the linear model makes it easy to predict what outcomes will occur given any input within the range for which the model is valid. I chose the word valid, because many physical occurences may only be linear within a certain range. Consider applying force to stretch a spring. Within a certain distance, the spring will move a linear distance proportional to the force applied. Outside that range, the relationship is no longer linear, so we restrict our model to the range where it does work.

What is meant by mathematical model in particular linear programming model?

A mathematical model is the representation of a relationship or state or phenomenon in a mathematical form using control variables.

What can you conclude if the global test of regression does not reject the null hypothesis?

You can conclude that there is not enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Or that your model was incorrectly specified. Consider the exact equation y = x2. A regression of y against x (for -a < x < a) will give a regression coefficient of 0. Not because there is no relationship between y and x but because the relationship is not linear: the model is wrong! Do a regression of y against x2 and you will get a perfect regression!

How do you make any working math model for national level of exhibition?

distance mearment

Related questions

Which of the following types of models would be most effective to demonstrate the relationship between distance and time?

idea model.

What type of model would be most effective to demonstrate the relationship between distance and time?

A linear model would be most effective to demonstrate the relationship between distance and time, as it represents a constant rate of change over time. The equation can be written as distance = speed * time, where speed is the constant factor.

Defines the relationship between the measurements on a model map or diagram and the actual measurement or distance?


How do you make a working model on force and pressure?

To make a working model on force and pressure, you can use simple materials like syringes, water, and balloons. By pressing the syringe (representing force), you can observe how the pressure increases within the system. You can also change the surface area of the syringe to demonstrate the relationship between force, pressure, and area.

What type of model can you use to determine the distance between the two cities?

A scale model.

What is the relationship between model page and layout?

a model page is an example; a layout is how it's organized

Differentiate between the Biomedical model and the Biopsychosocial models of pain and demonstrate how the health care practitioner's approach and attitude to patient diagnosis an?

The biomedical model views pain solely as a physical issue, whereas the biopsychosocial model considers pain as influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors. Health care practitioners using the biomedical model may focus mainly on treating physical symptoms, while those using the biopsychosocial model may take a more holistic approach, considering how psychological and social factors can impact pain perception and treatment outcomes. Practitioners' attitudes and approaches to patient diagnosis can significantly impact the treatment plan and patient outcomes, so it's important for them to consider all aspects of the biopsychosocial model when assessing and managing pain.

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What model can you build from the relationship between distance and parallax?

All information located has expressly stated that you can not build no modle what so ever. Perhaps there is a more efficient questio n to ask regaurdi this subject.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Entity Relationship Diagrams?

Entity-Relationship diagrams are useful for modelling data and the relationships between the data. They can be used when the constraints between data are relatively simple. They do not allow specification of interactions between the data or model how the data changes (there are no processes in Entity-Relationship). Entity-Relationship diagrams are most often used to model databases.

A regularity in observed data or relationship between different quantities is usually called?
