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Q: What is a good name for a maths game that involves children knocking Skittles down?
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What are rainforest maths used for?

Rainforest Maths is a site used by a large variety of children. Rainforest Maths is simply a site designed to teach Mathematics interactively to young children.

Who actually likes maths?

I do, my children do.

What jobs are out there that involve maths and science?

A job that involves maths and science is robotic engineering, or anything involved with physics. Check the link.

Is it possible to do maths literacy and still do chemical engineering?

no you need matematics to do chemical engineering because of the formular wich involves maths not mathematical litrecy

Is the training of mechanical engineering easy?

No training is easy, especially something which involves engineering, because that involves a good grasp of maths

What is math mentals?

It is a maths book for children to to homework in

What do children learn in Norway?

To read, maths and other subjects

What branch of maths involves solving on x?

In algebra whereas x is usually the unknown variable to be solved.

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What lessons in part 1 of the novel do the children learn?

literacy,maths and science

Can bead strings help children's understanding of maths?

Some aspects of mathematics.

Why is it required for students to be excellent in math in order to do thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics is a part of physics, and physics is very closely related to maths. Physics involves a lot of mathematical equations and problems, and as such, to be good in thermodynamics, you have to be good in maths.