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Q: What is a good score for words per minute in shorthand?
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How may numeric keystroke per minute is a good score?

Numeric keystroke per minute that is considered to be a good score will vary. On average, 160 keystrokes per minute is a good score and anything above this is above average.

What is a good shorthand speed wpm?

The record for fast writing with Pitman shorthand is 350 wpm during a two-minute test by Nathan Behrin in 1922.

How do you write sentence in shorthand i am good?

Shorthand uses symbols that are unavailable.

What is a good free website to calculate your words per minute typing?

Typing Dude is a good website to calculate your words per minute and accuracy. It's free and can be found at

How many words per minute is a good amount for a bank teller?


What is considered good typing speed?

50 to 60 words per minute is considered as a pretty good speed for typing

What is 4000 words per minute in typing?

A world record that has never, ever been experienced before, and most likely would never be experienced again. Good typists type between 60-80 words per minute. Fast typists type between 80-110 words per minute. Very fast typists can reach speeds of 120 words per minute. Transcriptionists often reach speeds of 140-160 words per minute. The best typists can type 160-240 words per minute. The world record for typing speed is 360 words per minute with a 97.23% accuracy rate (meaning very few mistakes). 4,000 words per minute would be a record that would hold forever!

What is in 91 percent on a spelling test?

If you score 91 percent on a spelling test, it means you got 91 out of 100 words correct. This is a strong score and shows a good understanding of spelling.

Is 254 a good keystroke per minute?

It is impossible for anybody to be able to type 254 words per minute, especially if you were writing an essay or something. According to Wikipedia, the fastest average is 40 words per minute. If you could type 254 words per minute, you are some kind of superhuman. To learn more about the average speed people can type, go to the link below.

What ia g-sport?

"G" is a universally accepted shorthand for "good".A G-sport is a Good-Sport

Why you learn shorthand?

I was designed to learn shorthand to quickly understand and respond to user queries in a succinct and efficient manner.

How many words per minute can a teacher type?

Obviously, the number of words one can type per minute varies GREATLY. This is all on how skilled a person is. 40 WPM is average, 60+ is good, 80-100 is professional, and over 100 is elite. Of course, these are MY standards.