a gramme-inch is the product of the distance from the axis in inches and the weight of the unbalance in grammes
gram per inch is 1 inch of molecule contain specific gram
basically 1 inch.
1 gram is a weight and 1 inch is a length or distance. That will never go together.
1 gram
The support provided by 5 samples would be 5 times greater than that of 1 sample, but the weight expressed by the 500 gram weight remains constant.
gram per inch is 1 inch of molecule contain specific gram
basically 1 inch.
weight, gram ounce length inch millimeter
1 gram is a weight and 1 inch is a length or distance. That will never go together.
1 gram
1 Newton = 0.2248 lbf = 102 gf, 10 Newtons = 1020 gram-force. 25 mm and one inch are almost the same, ratio = 25.4/25, so this will increase to 1036 gm-force per inch.
The support provided by 5 samples would be 5 times greater than that of 1 sample, but the weight expressed by the 500 gram weight remains constant.
gram is a measure of weight and inch is a measure of length. So the question does not make sense
Quartz is not generally sold by weight, it is sold by square foot or square inch.
The density is 128 and an eighth grams per cubic inch.
One gram is equal to one gram.
A gram is larger. 1 gram = 100 centigrams