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Q: What is a graph that represents a population by age and sex?
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What is an age structure graph?

An age structure graph, also called a population pyramid, is a graphic description of the age and sex group distribution in a country's population. Please see the link for details.

Another name for a population pyramid is what?

Another name for a population pyramid is an age-sex pyramid. It is a graphical representation of the age and sex distribution of a population.

What 2 variables does a population pyramid usually display?

age and sex of the population

What is composition of population?

composition of population refers to the arrangement of popullation of population according to the social characteristics such as age,sex,religionand occupation.

Line graph of the population in Philippines?

I'm unable to show images or graphs. However, you can easily find a line graph of the population in the Philippines by searching for "population of Philippines over time" on a search engine or a data visualization website like Statista.

How do you draw a population pyramid?

A population pyramid can be created using a bar graph with two sets of bars, one for males and one for females, arranged in a way that forms a pyramid shape. The age groups are typically shown on the horizontal axis, with the population size on the vertical axis. The bars for each gender represent the percentage or actual number of individuals in each age group.

How can you use the word population pyramid in a sentence?

You can use a POPULATION PYRAMID to help find out the population of a place according to the age, sex, and other demographics.

What represents consent for sex?

To "legally" have sex both parties must be of the age of consent which is between 16 and 18, depending on your location. If you are both of legal age and both people agree to have sex - that would be considered consent but consent can be revoked at any time, no always means no.

What is the randonly selected subjects for study that matches the population such as age and sex called?

e control group

What is the difference between statistical age standardisation and age-gender standardisation?

Whereas age-standardization adjusts for underlying differences in the age distribution of the combined male-female population, age/sex-standardized rates adjust for differences in the population distribution by both age and sex simultaneously.Age/sex-standardized rates are NOT the same as sex-specific age-adjusted rates.Like age, sex has a powerful influence on disease rates. Males and females have markedly different incidence, prevalence, and mortality rates for certain diseases and males have a shorter life expectancy than females.Therefore, in order to fully account for these differences, researchers may want to adjust for both age and sex when making comparisons for some conditions.The calculation for age/sex adjustment differs from age-standardization in that the individual age-specific rates are stratified by sex and are applied to the standard population stratified by sex.The requirements for the calculation of age/sex standardized rates are:Study population by age and sexStandard population by age and sexNumber of events for males and females in the study populationFormulaei(f) is the number of events for females in age group iei(m) is the number of events for males in age group ipi(f) is the number of females in age group i the study populationpi(m) is the number of males in age group i the study populationPi(f) is the number of females in age group i in the Standard populationPi(m) is the number of males in age group i in the Standard populationFor each age stratum the expected number of events is the sum of the expected number of events for males plus the expected number of events for females in that stratumAge-specific expected events= Ei=[(ei(m) /pi(m) ) *Pi(m) ] + [ (ei(f) /pi(f) ) *Pi(f) ]The age/sex Standardized Rate (per 100 000) is the sum of all expected events divided by the total standard population= [ Sum(Ei)/Sum(Pi)] * 1000

What number represents haploid?

I think 80 represents haploid / sex

What in a stationary population pyramid?

A stationary population pyramid is an age-sex pyramid, where the birth rate and death rate are very close throughout all ages.