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To kill.

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Q: What is a grenades function?
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Related questions

What are frag-grenades?

Fragmentation Grenades are explosive bombs that you throw.

Which of these is a true statement about grenades?

grenades can contain explosive or chemical fillers

When was Light Grenades created?

Light Grenades was created on 2006-11-28.

How do you throw grenades in roblox paintball?

Usually (if the game has grenades) you press "g".

How many people died from the mills bomb?

This bombs are really hand grenades in the form of pineapple grenades and actually death records from the grenades were not kept.

Can you throw grenades in Team Fortress 2?

No, there are no throwable grenades in Team Fortress 2

How many weapons are there in Gears of War?

8 not including grenades. 9 including grenades

Idenify one true statemnet about grenades?

Grenades can contain explosive and chemical fillers.

Which country or countries primarily used grenades?

No country uses grenades as their primary arm - rifles are the primary armament of any military.

Semtex grenades can't stick to enemies in mw2 right?

No semtex grenades can stick to enemies.

Was hand grenades used in World War 1?

Yes, hand grenades were widely used in WW1

What was grenades used for in ww1?

Grenades were used to blow things up a little bit ovious that one