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Q: What is a group of related data points represented by data markers.?
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What is a group of related data points?

data series

Does thalassemia related to blood group and Rh factor?

No, thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that affects the production of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Blood group and Rh factor are determined by different genetic markers and are not directly linked to thalassemia.

What are the parts of the phosopholipid molecule?

There are two parts to the phospholipid molecule. One is a hydrophobic hydrocarbon chain, which points away from water. The other is a hydrophilic phosphate ionic group, often represented as the "head" of the molecule, which points towards water.

What are pencils crayons paint and markers?

the group name is called art supplies !

Who puts the Iditarod trail markers?

There is a group of people known as the "trail breakers" and they go out a day before the race and make sure there are markers and flagging on the trail.

What is ethnic boundary markers?

group of people with common sense of community, common people

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How are genetic markers related to transformation?

Genetic markers can be used to track the incorporation of foreign DNA during transformation. By selecting for cells that have taken up the new genetic material, researchers can identify successful transformation events based on the presence of the markers. These markers help distinguish transformed cells from those that have not taken up the desired DNA.

Why was the way caucuses were originally used to nominate candidates criticized?

the caucus represented the views of a small group. novanet

What is significant about having different markers for each age group such as the ribbons the clothes that button in front etc in the giver?

In "The Giver," the different markers for each age group symbolize the strict control and conformity within the society. These markers serve as a way to maintain order and stability, as individuals are expected to strictly adhere to their designated age roles and responsibilities. The uniformity enforced by these markers suppresses individuality and reinforces the society's emphasis on sameness.

When did Four Points Media Group end?

Four Points Media Group ended in 2012.

When was Four Points Media Group created?

Four Points Media Group was created in 2007.