A half of one pound fifty is equivalent to 0.5 times 1.50, which equals 0.75 pounds. In decimal form, this would be written as 0.75 lbs. Alternatively, in fractional form, this would be written as 3/4 of a pound.
cent [: hope it helped
A quarter pound
No, fifty hundredths equals one half. fifty hundredths = 50/100 = 1x50/2x50 = 1/2
two fifty pence 100p=£1. £100/50p=2
One quarter of a pound times two is one half pound.
cent [: hope it helped
If you are asking what is one-third of a pound and a half, the answer is one-half pound.
One half of a pound is greater.
one half of one pound
A quarter pound
One third of a pound and a half is a half pound.
what is half of two hundred fifty
No, fifty hundredths equals one half. fifty hundredths = 50/100 = 1x50/2x50 = 1/2
fifty divided by 1/2 is one hundred
A half pound of anything is 8 ounces.
One third of a pound and a half is half a pound.
One pound equals 2.2 kilograms, so one-half pound equals 1.1 kilograms.