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Q: What is a heraldic symbol like a diagonal cross?
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a circle with a diagonal line through it. it looks like = Ø =

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What does mercury's symbol look like?

It looks like Taurus's symbol on top of a cross (Venus's is just a circle on a cross.).

What does a Saint Andrew's cross look like?

A Saint Andrew's cross is an X-shaped cross, also known as a saltire, typically in the colors blue and white. It is the symbol of Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The cross features two diagonal lines crossing in the middle to form an "X" shape.

What does the Florida flag look like?

It is a red diagonal cross or saltire on a white background with the State Seal of Florida centered on the cross.

What is the symbol on Joe Jonas ring?

It is a cross like a jesus cross:)

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It looks like a cross.

What is the boy sign and girl sign?

The boy symbol is ♂, representing the planet Mars in astrology and commonly used to indicate male gender. The girl symbol is ♀, representing the planet Venus and commonly used to indicate female gender.

What is Scotland flag like?

The Scottish flag is known as The Saltire and consists of a diagonal white cross on a blue background

Is this a girl or a boy symbol used like a cross and circle above it?

The female sex symbol is a down pointing cross with a circle above. ♀

How does PV cells look like?

The symbol for a battery inside a circle with diagonal arrows pointing in representing light rays.