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Q: What is a horizontal face?
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How many horizontal and vertical surfaces does a cube have?

The answer depends on the orientation of the cube. If it is balanced on an edge or a vertex it has no horizontal or vertical faces. If it is resting on a face then it has 2 horizontal and 4 vertical faces.

How many horizontal face of cube?

there are 6 unless you turn the cube on its side.

What is the shape of a horizontal cross section of a cylinder?

If the cylinder is standing on its flat face, the horizontal cross section is a circle. Otherwise, it is a line or a rectangle.

Why do single firms in perfectly competitive markets face horizontal demand curves?


What carnegie mellon university professor was the first person to use- an horizontal smiley face in a computer message in 1982?

Carnegie Mellon University professor Scott E. Fahlman is reported to be the first person to use the horizontal smiley face in a computer message. In 1982, he used the smiley face in a forum discussion regarding the limits of online humor.

Is horizontal recumbent position the same as supine position?

Yes. Supine, S"up"ine. You are laying face "up". Horizontal is parallel to the floor (so you are laying flat). Recumbent means laying. Prone is also laying horizontally (face down), but Supine is the position that is one also called Horizontal Recumbent.

What is the medical term meaning lying face-down?

Prone means lying horizontal with the face down. Pronation is the action of lying prone.

What is the Definition of face left and face right surveying?

taking readings using theodolite keeping the vertical circle of the instrument on left side of the observer is called a face left observation and to measure horizontal angle the instrument is rotated(swing) in horizontal plane with respect to the vertical axis in a clockwise direction called rigt swing.

Does a cone have exactly 3 pairs of parallel faces?

Because the horizontal surface is curved it is not called a face.

What is face-down Defense Position in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Face-down Defence Position refers to a monster card that is both:In Defense Position (the card is horizontal)and face-down (you can only see the card's back)

What are the names of each face on a tetrahedron?

They do not have specific names. They are triangles and, if one of them happens to be horizontal and lower than the rest, it is called the base.

How many lines of symmetry does a smily face have?

A smiley face typically has two lines of symmetry: one horizontal line passing through the middle of the face, and one vertical line passing through the center of the face. These lines divide the smiley face into four equal parts that are mirror images of each other.