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Q: What is a horizontal line traced through an object in a picture?
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What is an axis line in art?

it can be helpful when you are trying to identify movement and the direction fo movementin a work of art.

Direct costs and indirect costs?

Direct costs- can be conveniently and economically traced to a cost object Indirect costs- cannot be conveniently or economically traced to a cost object. Instead of being traced, these costs are allocated to a cost object in a rational and systematic manner

What is referred to by the actual route an object follows?

The actual route an object follows is referred to as its trajectory. This trajectory is the path traced by an object as it moves through space and time. It is influenced by factors such as gravity, propulsion, and external forces.

How do you use traced in a sentence?

The police traced the ransom call and we were able to get our son back safely. The child traced a picture of Mickey Mouse and joked that she drew it herself. Grandma traced her family's roots back to Ireland.

Variable cost can always be traced directly to the cost object?

No, because varible cost can be direct or indirect cost. Direct cost can always be traced directly to a cost object, but not indirect cost. For example, sales commission.

Can you find mms you sent or received online even when the message was deleted and my carrier is AT and T?

Messages that are sent through the internet are not typically traced to the sender's phone but can be traced through the receiver. Senders can be traced through the IP address of the computer that the messages were sent from.

What do you do when you draw a perfect picture but your brother thinks you traced?

Tell them that THEY ALWAYS trace and have horrible drawings.

Lets say you got a picture of europe copy and pasted it on to microsoft paint and then traced the line how would you be able to delete the picture without deleting your lines?

If the outline you have traced has no gaps, then you should be able to use the colour fill option and fill your outline with white.

Can pictures sent through text be traced?

yess it can

Descent traced through mothers rather than fathers?

The descent traced through the mothers in a family tree is known as matrilineal. This usually happens in Africa.

Can food technology be traced back through history?

no i believe it can not.

What inheritance of traits can be traced by geneticists through?

DNA Fingerprint