Water! That is... if you consider water a household item...
This is due to its two lone pairs. More info can be found at:
Of course, one lone pair in a molecule with steric number of 3 works as well. (See VSEPR Model for more info)
a bottle of soda ( 16 ounces)
Nothing because a millimeter is a unit of length not weight.
Probably no individual item. But the combined length of all the fibres in carpets, or all the yarn in clothes, all the strands of wires in cables would measure kilometres.
A speck of dust is about as long as 1 millimeter; a speck of dust can be found in all houses.
A kilometer is a unit of measurement for distance and not a household item.
what household item is the shaped like a pyramid
Yes Plus Fabric Softener is a household item. Yodora Deodorant is a household item. Yellow peppers are a household item.
A bag of flour or sugar is a common household item that is around 5 pounds in weight.
Table salt (sodium chloride) is a household item that is made from chlorine and sodium.
A candle
A toy xylophone is a household item.
Queen bed is a household item.
a television