

What is a hypotonuse?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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In geometry, a hypotenuse is the longest side of a right-angled triangle, the side opposite the right angle.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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Q: What is a hypotonuse?
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How do you figure out the angles if you have the hypotonuse for example the hypotonuse is 128?

A hypotenuse (not hypotonuse), by itself will only tell you that the angle opposite it is a right angle. You need more information to find the other two angles.

What is hypotonuse?

An hypotenuse is the longest side of a right angle triangle

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Its a ratio in a right angle triangle, cos angle = adjacent / hypotonuse.

What does Pythagorean theorem mean?

It is the concept that if you square both lengths of the legs of a right triangle and then add them together it will equal the hypotonuse squared.

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if the force isnt inline , resolve into axial and lateral forces, the original force bieng the hypotonuse

How do you find the hypotonuse in a quadrilatil triangle?

With great difficulty because a 4 sided triangle doesn't exist. But the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle is its largest side.

How do you find the hypotonuse of a triangle?

A: what is the hypotnuse of a triangle?A2 + B2 = C2 With A and B as the line segments protruding from the right angle and C being the hypotenuse.By the way, you spelled hypotenuse wrong.

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22 % grade: go horizontally 100, go vertically 22, hypotonuse is slope. angle is INV tan ( 22 / 100 ) = 12.407 degrees from horizontal

How do you find the length and Height of a right triangle when you have the hypotonuse?

I'm having to go back a long time, but I don't remember being able to solve a triangle from one side and one angle...

How do you find the length of the hypotonuse of right angled triangles?

you can use pythagorean theorem formula:c² = a² + b²you must have the values of the opposite side and adjacent may try below link for easy calculation

What grade is a 96 percent?

96 % grade: go along horizontally 100 m, then vertically 96 m, hypotonuse is gradient, angle of incline from horizontal = inverse tan ( 96 / 100 ) = 43.831 degrees

What is the hypotonuse of a triangle with legs of length 12 cm and 14 cm?

By Pythagoras theorem ,we can say that h2=b2+p2 h2= 12 ^2 +14 ^2=340 h= sqrt (340)=18.4 cm