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Q: What is a inconsistent person?
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a stupid inconsistent person.

Does an inconsistent person have mutable opinions?

Well, honey, an inconsistent person is like a human mood ring - you never know what color they're gonna be next. So yeah, they probably have opinions that change more often than a Kardashian changes outfits. Mutable opinions? Sure, if by "mutable" you mean as reliable as a $5 umbrella in a windstorm.

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This fallacy is committed when it is concluded that a person's claim is false because 1) it is inconsistent with something else a person has said or 2) what a person says is inconsistent with her actions. This type of "argument" has the following form:Person A makes claim X.Person B asserts that A's actions or past claims are inconsistent with the truth of claim X.Therefore X is false.The fact that a person makes inconsistent claims does not make any particular claim he makes false (although of any pair of inconsistent claims only one can be true - but both can be false). Also, the fact that a person's claims are not consistent with his actions might indicate that the person is a hypocrite but this does not prove his claims are false.

A sentence using the word inconsistent?

I do not know what causes inconsistent means That is a sentence with the word inconsistent in :)

What is a sentence with inconsistent?

Her performance in class was inconsistent, as some days she excelled while others she struggled.

How do you write inconsistent in a sentence?

the hypothesis was very inconsistent

What term describes a situation in which a person is confronted with two inconsistent or incompatible thoughts or motives?

Cognitive Dissonance, I think.

How do you use inconstant in a sentence?

[Inconsistent] This information is inconsistent with the evidence observed.

What is the effect of inconsistent monitoring of house policies?

The effects of inconsistent monitoring of house policies varies. If monitoring is inconsistent that means that it could be unstable.

Will a dog get confused on why it is getting treats?

Of course, if the person giving the treats is inconsistent or intentionally confusing in the way the treats are given.

How many solutions does an inconsistent system have?

How many solutions does an inconsistent system have