

What is a lagrangian expression?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: What is a lagrangian expression?
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What are cyclic coordinates?

When some generalized coordinates, say q,do not occur explicitly in the expression of Lagrangian, then those coordinates are called Cyclic coordinate.

What does the Lagangrian Function do and mean?

Lagrangian (L) summarizes the dynamics of the system.Generally, in classical physics, the Lagrangian is defined as follows:L=T-Vwhere T is kinetic energy of the system and V is its potential energy. If the Lagrangian of a system is has been defined, then the equations of motion of the system may also be obtained.

What is the advantages of lagrangian over newtonian?

One advantage of the Lagrangian formalism over the Newtonian approach is that it provides a more elegant and unified framework for describing the dynamics of complex systems. It allows for the use of generalized coordinates and constraints, making it easier to solve problems with symmetry or constraints. Additionally, the Lagrangian formulation naturally lends itself to the principle of least action, which provides deeper insights into the behavior of physical systems.

Prove that coordinate is cyclic in Lagrangian then it is also cyclic in Hamiltonian?

If a coordinate is cyclic in the Lagrangian, then the corresponding momentum is conserved. In the Hamiltonian formalism, the momentum associated with a cyclic coordinate becomes the generalized coordinate's conjugate momentum, which also remains constant. Therefore, if a coordinate is cyclic in the Lagrangian, it will also be cyclic in the Hamiltonian.

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The Lagrangian of the hydrogen atom is a function that describes the dynamics of the system in terms of the positions and velocities of the particles involved (the electron and the proton). It takes into account the kinetic and potential energies of the system, as well as the interaction between the particles due to electromagnetic forces. By solving the Lagrangian, one can determine the equations of motion for the system.

Are the Lagrangian polynomials of degree n is orthogonal to the polynomials of degree less than n?

No this is not the case.

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Yes, Jupiter has asteroids locked in orbit with it at all of its stable Lagrangian Points.

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John W. Ruge has written: 'A nonlinear multigrid solver for an atmospheric general circulation model based on semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian advection of potential vorticity' -- subject(s): Atmospheric general circulation models, Lagrangian function, Vorticity

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George C. Georges has written: 'Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulation of plasma problems'

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Victor Paul Starr has written: 'A quasi-Lagrangian system of hydrodynamical equations'

Where is the SOHO sun telescope located?

SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) was launched into the Earth/Sun L1 Lagrangian point in 1995. This point balances the gravity from the Sun and Earth and allows for very little energy to remain in a stable orbit. There are 5 Lagrangian points for SOHO but L1 is the best positioned for Earth communications.

What has the author Noel A Doughty written?

Noel A. Doughty has written: 'Lagrangian interaction' -- subject(s): Electrodynamics, Gravitation, Relativity (Physics), Symmetry (Physics)