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Scree or Talus .

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Q: What is a large pile of debris that forms at the base of a slope?
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Where would you expect to find talus?

You would expect to find talus at the base of a cliff or steep slope. Talus consists of loose, fragmented rock debris that has accumulated from the erosion of the cliff or slope above. It often forms a slope of angular rocks and boulders created by gravity pulling the rock fragments downhill.

Made from large rocks and protects the base of cliffs?

This description is of a talus slope, which is a pile of broken rocks at the base of a cliff. Talus slopes are formed as rockfall debris accumulates over time. They help reduce erosion at the base of cliffs and provide habitat for plants and animals.

Is the fan-shaped pile of broken rock fragments at the base of a steep bedrock slope or cliff?

The fan-shaped pile of broken rock fragments at the base of a steep bedrock slope or cliff is known as a talus slope or talus cone. This debris results from the weathering and erosion of the bedrock above, where gravity causes the rock fragments to accumulate at the base of the slope.

What Material accumulates at the bottom of a steep slope?

Rockslides, loose soil, and other debris such as vegetation and sediment are common materials that accumulate at the bottom of a steep slope due to erosion and gravity.

How does erosion effect mass wasting?

Erosion can weaken the base of a slope, making it more susceptible to mass wasting events such as landslides or rockfalls. By stripping away supporting material, erosion can increase the likelihood of slope failure. Additionally, erosion can transport material downslope, contributing to the accumulation of debris at the base of the slope and potentially triggering mass wasting.

Is there a base word for debris?

Yes, the base word for debris is "debr-" which comes from the French word "débris" meaning remains or fragments.

During extensive frost wedging a large pile of rocks accumulates at the base of the cliff what is this pile called?

detrital slope

What is the slope if the base is 60 inches wide and 40 inches high?

Slope = Height/Base = 40/60 = 2/3

What is the accumulation of rock debris at the base of a cliff called?

The accumulation of rock debris at the base of a cliff is called talus or scree. It forms as a result of weathering and erosion causing rock fragments to break off from the cliff face and accumulate at the bottom.

What occurs where continental slope levels off and sediment accumulates?

A continental rise forms where the continental slope levels off, and sediment accumulates due to gravity transporting sediments downslope from the slope above. This is a gentle accumulation of sediments deposited by turbidity currents, rivers, and other geological processes at the base of the slope.

What landscape features best describes the toe of a slump?

The toe of a slump is often characterized by a buildup of material at the base of the slope where the movement has come to rest. It can appear as a curved or lobe-shaped accumulation of soil, rocks, and debris. The toe of a slump is usually wider and may have a gentler slope compared to the more steeply inclined headscarf area above.

What lies at the base of the continental slope?

continental rise