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Q: What is a line that connects two notes of the same pitch?
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What is a curved line that connects two notes to the same pitch?

It is called a "tie" (like what you do to your shoe laces).

A is a curved line that connects two or more notes that are the same pitch?

That is called a "tie". It joins the two notes together creating a single sound that lasts the duration of both notes added together.

What is the difference between a slur and a tie in music notation?

In music notation, a slur is a curved line that connects two or more notes to indicate they should be played smoothly, while a tie is a curved line that connects two notes of the same pitch to indicate they should be held for the combined duration of both notes.

What is the difference between a tie and a slur in music notation?

In music notation, a tie is a curved line that connects two notes of the same pitch to extend their duration, while a slur is a curved line that connects two or more different notes to indicate they should be played smoothly and connected.

What is a Curved line connecting 2 or more notes of th same pitch?

A curved line connecting two or more notes of the same pitch is called a tie. It indicates that the notes should be played as a single sustained note.

What is the difference between a piano tie and a slur in music notation?

A piano tie is a symbol that connects two notes of the same pitch, indicating that they should be played as a single, sustained note. A slur, on the other hand, is a curved line that connects different notes, indicating that they should be played smoothly and connected without a break in between.

What is the difference between a music tie and a slur in musical notation?

A music tie connects two notes of the same pitch to make them sound as one longer note, while a slur connects different notes smoothly to be played legato.

What connects notes that are the same in music?

Called a "bind" or "slur" (tie) which basically is a curved line that joins two or more successive notes of the same pitch, indicating that those notes should be played or sung sustained, unbroken, through their total time value.

What role does a tie play in music notation?

A tie in music notation connects two notes of the same pitch to make them sound as one longer note.

What is the Curved line connecting 2 or more notes of different pitches?

The curved line connecting two or more notes of different pitches is called a slur in music notation. A slur indicates that the notes should be played smoothly and connected without any separation between them. It is different from a tie, which connects two notes of the same pitch to extend their duration. Slurs are commonly used in piano, vocal, and string music to indicate phrasing and articulation.

What is a tie in piano and how does it affect the way a piece of music is played?

In piano music, a tie is a curved line that connects two notes of the same pitch. It indicates that the notes should be played as a single, sustained note. Ties affect the way a piece of music is played by creating a smooth and connected sound, allowing the music to flow without interruption.

What is the significance of the tie in music notation and how does it affect the duration of a note?

In music notation, a tie is a curved line that connects two or more notes of the same pitch. It is used to extend the duration of a note beyond its normal value. When notes are tied together, their durations are added together, creating a longer sustained sound. This allows for smoother and more connected phrasing in music.