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Q: What is a line that divides a figure into two halves that are reflections of each other?
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What does line of symmetry?

line of symmetry is divides a figure into halves are the mirror images ofeach other

A line that divides a figure into two congruent halves and are a mirrior image of each other?

line symmetry

What does line of symmetry mean?

line of symmetry is divides a figure into halves are the mirror images ofeach other

What is a bisector?

A bisector is a line or curve which bisects or divides a line segment, angle or other figure into two equal parts.

What is it called when a figure can be folded in half so that the two halves fit exactly on each other?


What name is given to a line that divides another line into halves?

When a line divides another in two equal parts, it is called a bisector. If the bisector happens to cross the other line at right angles, it is called a perpendicular bisector.

A line which divides a figure into two parts each of which is a mirror image of the other is called?

line of semtry

What is when on half of a figure is a mirror image and of the other half?

When half of a figure is a mirror image of the other half, it is called bilateral symmetry. This means that both halves of the figure are identical when divided along a specific line. Examples of bilateral symmetry can be found in many organisms, such as butterflies and humans.

Does a baseball have a plane of symmetry?

Yes, a baseball does have a plane of symmetry. When sliced in half along its equator, both halves are mirror images of each other.

What are lines that are drawn that divides a figure into two congruent sections that are mirror images of each other?

You're talking about a line of symmetry. But if the sections aremirror images of each other, then they're not congruent.

What type of symmetry do cnidara have?

radial symmetry which means that all the parts of the body are arranged around a central axis in such a way that any plane passing through the central axis divides the animal in halves that are almost mirror image of each other

What divides the western hemisphere from eastern hemisphere?

The Prime Meridian, an imaginary line running between the North and South poles of Earth, and the International Date Line, its counterpart on the opposite side of the world, both divide the Earth into its 2 halves, the Eastern and Western hemispheres. Note: The Equator divides the Earth into its other 2 hemispheric dinstinctions: the North and South hemispheres.