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I am pretty sure in math, it is called a diameter

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Q: What is a line that divides two places called?
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What is the name of the imagenary line which divides the earth in half?

The imaginary line that divides the Earth into two halves is called the Equator.

What is a line that divides a circle into two equal halves?

That line is called a "Diameter".

What is something that divides something equally in half in geometry?

A line which divides a shape in two is called a bisector.

What is the line that divides a figure into two matching parts?

It is a line of symmetry.

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What is the line through the center of a circle called?

That line is called diameter. It divides a circle into two semi circles.

What is a line that divides the earth into two equal halves called?

The line that divides the Earth into two equal halves is called the equator. It is an imaginary line that runs horizontally around the Earth at 0 degrees latitude.

What is the line called that divides a shape into two parts that look exactly alike?

It is a line of symmetry

What name is given to a line that divides another line into halves?

When a line divides another in two equal parts, it is called a bisector. If the bisector happens to cross the other line at right angles, it is called a perpendicular bisector.

What line bisector divides a line into tWo What segments?

Every line bisector divides a line into two halves: by definition!

A line which divides a figure into two parts each of which is a mirror image of the other is called?

line of semtry

A line that separates figures into two matching halves is called?

A line of symmetry divides a figure into two matching halves.