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A linear Air track is an Equilateral Triangular Prism with lots of holes on 2 of the sides, at the one of the ends it is sealed and the other end has a fan. The Fan pumps air into the prism and the air leaves the holes, when you place something on top of it, usually on a 60 degree angle base, It will float. One tap and it goes flying.

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Q: What is a linear air track?
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What is the use of linear air track?

try it to know on your ideas or research don"t depend here in internet. bbye

What are the uses of a linear air track?

A linear air track is typically used in the study of motion in physics. Depending of the different tracks available, different experiments can be conducted. These range from proving the conservation of momentum (m1*u1 + m2*u2 = m1*v1 + m2*v2), to finding the rate of acceleration (a = difference in velocity/difference in time).

When was Linear Air created?

Linear Air was created in 2004.

The magnetized coil running along the track called?

The magnetized coil running along the track is typically referred to as the linear induction motor (LIM). It works by inducing eddy currents in a conductive surface, such as the track, to generate motion in the form of linear propulsion for transportation systems like Maglev trains or roller coasters.

Is air a non linear medium?

Air pressure is a non-linear medium because as you go up it decreases exponentially.

When a particle is moving on a circular track of radius r with angular speed W the linear speed of the particle will be?

The linear speed of the particle moving on a circular track can be found using the formula v = r * ω, where v is the linear speed, r is the radius of the circle, and ω is the angular speed of the particle.

What is the biggest Formula 1 track visible from air?

Currently the belgium track

What is used to track aeroplanes?

Air Traffic Control Use Radar Radio Detection and Ranging to track aircraft! Air Traffic Control Use Radar Radio Detection and Ranging to track aircraft!

What two things move in linear motion?

A train moving along a straight track and a ball rolling along a flat surface are both examples of objects moving in linear motion where they move in a straight line.

Why is an air track used as a model for momentum?

An air track is used as a model for momentum because the air hovering beneath the track minimizes friction, allowing objects to move with almost no resistance. This setup allows for more accurate measurements of the conservation of momentum in collisions and interactions between objects.

Main difference between rotary and linear potentiometer?

A rotary potentiometer is designed to measure rotational movement, providing a variable resistance output based on the position of a rotating shaft. On the other hand, a linear potentiometer measures linear movement, offering a variable resistance output based on the linear position of the sliding wiper along a straight track.

How to track a brinks air courier package?
