

What is a linear combination?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is a linear combination?
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An affine combination is a linear combination of vectors in Euclidian space in which the coefficients add up to one.

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General motion. A combination of linear and angular movement.

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If X1, X2 , ... , Xn are matrices of the same dimensions and a1, a2, ... an are constants, then Y = a1*X1 + a2*X2 + ... + an,*Xn is a linear combination of the X matrices.

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General motion. A combination of linear and angular movement.

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Linear programming is a technique for determining the optimum combination of resources to obtain a desired goal. It is based upon the assumption that there is a linear ,or straight line, relationship between variables and that the limits of the variations can be easily determined.

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Two equations are independent when one is not a linear combination of the other.

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When can you say that an algebraic expression is a polynomial?

A polynomial is a linear combination of non-negative integer powers of a variable. A linear combination means you can multiply the terms by constant numbers before summing them. The terms can consists of only positive integer powers of the variable or a constant.

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An independent system of linear equations is a set of vectors in Rm, where any other vector in Rm can be written as a linear combination of all of the vectors in the set. The vector equation and the matrix equation can only have the trivial solution (x=0).

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