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Linear means in a line. Therefore, one linear foot is just 12 inches measured along a straight line.

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Q: What is a linear foot measurement?
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How many feet are in 170 square feet?

The foot is a linear measurement. You cannot convert a linear measurement to an area measurement.

How many lineal feet equal 1 foot?

Linear feet and feet are the same measurement. Therefore, 1 foot is equal to 1 linear foot.

What is the difference between Lineal Foot and Linear foot?

Lineal foot can be measured on the ground. It is related to an actual measurement. Linear foot is a distance not necessarily measured along the ground. Also linear foot can refer to board feet.

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What does 8 foot x 21 inches equals in linear feet?

A measurement of area is impossible to convert into a linear measurement. The two units are therefore incompatible.

Is foot a thing or a place?

The word 'foot' is a word for a body part or a linear measurement, a word for a thing.

How do you figure lineal foot?

The word LINEAL refers to ancestry or heredity. The correct term for measurement is LINEAR. One (1) linear foot equals 12".

What unit is a ft in?

Linear. Inch, foot .yard etc Units of measurement.

How do you convert linear feet into inches?

12 "linear" inches is one foot. The inch is a linear measurement, so the adjective is unnecessary.

How do you figure a Lineal Foot?

A lineal foot refers to a "linear" foot, which basically means is a " straight" line measurement of a foot- and a foot equals twelve inches.

Convert linear feet to metric metric measurement.?

1 foot = 304.8 millimeters

How many square foot is 50 yards?

The units are incompatible square foot is a measure of area yards is a linear measurement