The only reason a metre would need to be called a "linear metre" is to distinguish it between a "square metre" (1 metre in length timesed by one metre in width) and a "cubic metre" (1 metre in length timesed by one metre in width timesed by one metre in height).
Therefore, one linear metre is the same measurement as one metre.
1 metre = 100 centimetres, which is how centimetres got their name...
A metre cannot be converted to a square metre. A metre is a length and a square meter is an area.
A linear (lineal) metre is the same thing as a metre. I think it's a dumbed down term for a metre so people won't get confused with metre, square metre and cubic metre.
None. millimetres and litres are different units they cannot be compared. There are 1000 millimetres in one metre There are 1000 millilitres in one litre.
A metre is 100cm
just over one and a half metre sticks
it converts linier motion to electrical signals
Tom Dowd
I never have seen or heard the expression "linier" feet. On the other hand, "linear" feet is a linear measurement (as opposed to an area or volume). So linear feet is a one dimensional measurement (length or height but not both).
Cubic metre is a unit for a volume, a decimetre is a unit for a length. The two cannot be compared. What you can say is that 1 cubic decimetre is 0.001 cubic metre.
1 metre = 100 centimetres, which is how centimetres got their name...
Because it is 30 times as far from the sun as earth is. This means that an equatorial square metre on Neptune gets 1/900 of the solar radiation (and so energy) compared to an equatorial square metre on earth.
A metre cannot be converted to a square metre. A metre is a length and a square meter is an area.
It is 1 cubic metre.
1/4 of a metre is 25% of a metre
fets are used in linier ic's to 1)to provide large resistences 2)increase input resistence
A linear (lineal) metre is the same thing as a metre. I think it's a dumbed down term for a metre so people won't get confused with metre, square metre and cubic metre.