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Q: What is a living quarter in the medevil times?
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The Bubonic Plague was the biggest killer wiped out half of the Europeans during Medevil times

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Dragon slippers is located in Europe in ancient medevil's located in a book too lol

What is a living quarter that begins with the letter K?

A kennel is a living quarter for a dog or cat.

Where do you get the golden armor in cp?

It was available to members during Medevil Party 2010,and it could possibly be available during 2012 Medevil Party.

Where did chicken po get there name from?

there was a diese back in medevil times and chickens had diese and a farmer got it and they called it chicken pox but now it is only for humans

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Snow is non-living, it is just crystals of frozen water.

How do they their living quarters clean?

they dont have a living quarter

How do you get a horse in club peguin?

if you are a member you can get it from the medevil party

How many times is is the rhythm quarter quarter half found?

6 times