The object described is a cylinder, specifically a right circular cylinder. It is a round solid with flat circular ends.
A round object with flat, circular ends is a cylinder. It is shaped like a can of vegetables.
A cylinder is a round object with two flat ends, like a paper towel roll. A sphere is completely round, like a ball.
A flat round object is a circle. Surface area of a circle = pi*radius squared.
A cone is a 3D object having a flat circular base with a tapering circular body meeting at its vertex and its looks like a witch's hat.
A prism, or more precisely, a right prism.
A round object with flat, circular ends is a cylinder. It is shaped like a can of vegetables.
A cylinder is a long round object with flat circular ends.
A cylinder
A flat circular object is called a disk or a round.
A cylinder is a round object with two flat ends, like a paper towel roll. A sphere is completely round, like a ball.
A circular file is used to file the burrs of metal but is round all the way round instead of flat. A circular file is also slang for a trash can.
A flat round object is a circle. Surface area of a circle = pi*radius squared.
projection map
a sphere is a ball shaped or globular body. Round is having a flat circular surface as in a disk
No, a coin is not a sphere. Coins are typically circular in shape, and their structure is flat with two sides. A sphere is a three-dimensional round object in which all points on its surface are the same distance from its center.
In geometry, a circle is a two-dimensional object, so it does not have a surface. Only three-dimensional objects have surfaces. A disc is a flat, circular three-dimensional object.