

What is a low IQ score?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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Q: What is a low IQ score?
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What is Paul Ryans IQ score?

Nobody knows because the IQ scale does not go that low.

Is 354 a high IQ or low?

That score is impossibly high.

What is better a high IQ score or a low one?

A high IQ is much better than a lower one.

Is 135 a good IQ score?

The average IQ is 100. 135 is an Excellent IQ score

Is 90 a good IQ for a 14 year old?

Sorry but it is rather low, but near the average, also age is not a factor in most calculations of one's intelligence quotient. the average iq score tests range from 85 on the low side to a 115 on the iq test the average is about a hundred. you can raise your iq score through" brain training" and focusing on mental use.

Is an IQ score of seventy low for an eleven year old girl?

Yes. The average is 100.

What 101 a low IQ for a 28 year old male?

It is a perfectly normal score. Any score between 90 to 110 is average.

If you have an IQ of 102 how smart are you?

Average IQ score is 100.Your score is 'average'.

Is 122 good IQ for a 10 year old girl?

An IQ score of 122 is an above average IQ score. It is, thus, a good score.

Is an IQ score of 69 good?

An IQ score of 69 falls in the range that is considered as very low intellectual functioning. Individuals with this IQ score may face challenges with tasks that require cognitive abilities. It is important to seek professional guidance for a more comprehensive understanding and support.

What is a good score for IQ tests?

The average score on an IQ test is about 100. If you score higher than that, your score will be above average.

What is a good score for an IQ test?

The average score on an IQ test is about 100. If you score higher than that, your score will be above average.