1.the original text of an author's work, handwritten or now usually typed, that is submitted to a publisher.
2.)any text not printed.
3.)a book or document written before the invention of printing.
4.writing, as distinguished from print.
All is the define what a manuscript!! Hope I helped :)
The English term for a first copy of a book or play written by hand is "manuscript."
Job is the oldest manuscript
At the Jewish Museum
To write one hundred in standard form, you would simply write 100. To write one hundredth in standard form, you would write it as a decimal, which is 0.01.
You write 1-1000 as "One to One Thousand."
She will write one more book called The Tales of Beetle the Bard. Worth $66,000 for the manuscript.
Legally, the minute that you finish writing your work, it's copyright to you. Most authors will write the words "Copyright, ____(write the date you finished), by ___(write your name) on the first page of their manuscript, also. If you want to spend the extra money, you can have your work formally copyrighted, but most people don't bother. If a publisher ever did such a thing, first, they'd get sued. And second, authors would spread the word and nobody would ever give them another manuscript, so they'd be bankrupt!
A Voynich manuscript was donated to Yale University in 1969 and it is currently in their Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Its call number is MS 408 and titled "Cipher Manuscript."
manuscript paper is the paper with the lines where you write sheet music
Manuscript derives from two Latin words: manu = by hand (manus = hand) scriptus = written (scribo = I write)
The author painstakingly revised his manuscript multiple times, only to have it rejected by every publisher he submitted it to.
The author submitted their manuscript to the publisher for review.
It is 0.33... (repeating). In manuscript you would write it as 0.3 with a dot above the 3, but this rubbish browser will not permit me to do that!
He wrote in manuscript format with a ink pen and ink bottle.
The prologue for my new book is only 2 pages long.
Manuscript is a noun, because a manuscript is someTHING. Manuscript is not an action, therefore it can't be a verb.
The name "Haidari" in Persian script is written as حیدری.