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Q: What is a mark on a graph that represents a physical value?
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What if your graph has two flat section joined by slope. What does it mean where the graph is flat On the graph mark when the ice is melting Also mark the boiling water.?

A graph with two flat sections joined by a slope represents a phase change. The flat sections indicate a constant temperature during a phase change, such as when ice is melting or water is boiling. The slope represents a temperature increase or decrease during the transition between phases. In a graph, you would mark the flat section for ice melting and boiling water where the temperature remains constant.

How do you graph f(x)?

Select a set of values for x. For each value calculate the value of f(x). On a graph paper, mark the points [x, f(x)].

For this graph ,mark the statements that are true?

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IF the graph shows the relationship between distance and time for a moving object How many seconds would it take the object to move to the 100.0 meter mark?

To find the time it takes for the object to move to the 100.0 meter mark, we locate where the distance of 100.0 meters intersects the time axis on the graph. The time at this point represents how many seconds it takes for the object to reach the 100.0 meter mark.

What does to graph a point mean?

Mark the position of the point on the graph according to the coordinates of the point that are given (or calculated).

Is a number line a graph?

Not by itself. It is only the framework. But as soon as you mark up one point on it it becomes a graph.

Is the scale on the graph?

The scale on a graph is the relation between the units of measurement that are being used. This is where you mark different positions on the axis.

What is The formatting mark that represents a tab is?

An arrow

What is the scale on a graph?

The scale is the numerical system that is used to define the axis of a graph.

Where is the stress mark on the word paragraph?

The stress is on the first syllable. PAR-a-graph

What is one of two or more reference lines that mark the borders of a graph?


How do you draw a graph of sin1by x?

Just as you would draw the graph of any other function: -- Select several different numbers for 'x'. -- For each one, calculate the value of "sin1by x", and mark the point on the graph paper. -- After you've done this for enough values of 'x', you'll start to see the shape of the graph, with whatever twists and turns it may have. From there, you can draw most of it free-hand, without any more calculations.