A Maths Metaphor Is A contribution To Sir James Harrison. We Say All Metaphors Have To Include The Number 98 In It Because that's how old Sir J Harrison Was When He Died.
Here Are Some Examples of Maths Metaphors:
234 Divided By 798
324 Divided By 987
There is also a rule that A Maths Metaphor Has to Include The Following Numbers: 234 789. It Also Has to be Divided. If It is not It Will Not Count As A Math Metaphor Instead Be a Maths Adjective.
Math in the 6th grade is the first level of a video game. It's challenging, but after a few more levels, you realize how easy it was.
what is the metaphor for honest
The answer is: Metaphor. It is a metaphor because you are saying that Matthew has the hands of a monkey.
He used a metaphor to desciribe the swaying trees.
It's a mathematical metaphor.
Math in the 6th grade is the first level of a video game. It's challenging, but after a few more levels, you realize how easy it was.
Its a metaphor
it is neither, it is personification
It is a metaphor.
Implied metaphor is when it gives you the metaphor but doesn't tell what the subject is. A regular metaphor tells you the subject of it.
What is a metaphor???Answer: To keep the cows in!!!!Metaphor~ meadow for??get it??? LOL
An explicit metaphor is a metaphor that is fully explained in great detail. Unlike an implicit metaphor, which the meaning has to be implied.
A metaphor
what is the metaphor for honest