There are 525,948,766 minutes in a millennium.
The value of this set is underpinned by the metal value of the coins that are in it. I'd expect you'd get $5,000 to $5,500 at present. If you do an online search, you'll see them being retailed at $1,000 to $2,000 more than that.
A 24 hour clock may be purchased online from e-commerce retailers such as Amazon. One can also find these type of clocks in limited designs from Office Clocks, Mellennium ClockWorks, Franklin Instruments, and C Crane.
It depends on how much ram the old PC has. If it has at least 2GB you are good. Do not update If it has less or it will be as slow as hell. Make sure it has at least 50GB hard drive space too. I would recommend to update to XP though. It uses less that 1GB of RAM so it is not a good idea to upgrade it to win7.