35 1/2
4 35/36. One way to solve: Convert each mixed number to an improper fraction:63/4 - 97/9 = 567/36 - 388/36 [36 is the common denominator] which is 179/36. Convert back to mixed number: 4 35/36.
It is: 36
The number between 35 and 45 is 36. This number falls directly between the two given values on the number line. It is one unit greater than 35 and one unit less than 37. Therefore, 36 is the number that satisfies the given criteria.
41 over 36 as a mixed number is 15/36
35 1/2
4 35/36. One way to solve: Convert each mixed number to an improper fraction:63/4 - 97/9 = 567/36 - 388/36 [36 is the common denominator] which is 179/36. Convert back to mixed number: 4 35/36.
It is: 36
35 is
36, 37 and 38.
The number between 35 and 45 is 36. This number falls directly between the two given values on the number line. It is one unit greater than 35 and one unit less than 37. Therefore, 36 is the number that satisfies the given criteria.
41 over 36 as a mixed number is 15/36
36 is the only square number that is also a triangular number between 20 and 40.
36 over 5 as a mixed number = 71/5
The mixed number of 46 over 36 is 15/18