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Q: What is a mocking figure that stands for a disliked person called?
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What are mocking figures that stand for a disliked person?

Mocking figures used to represent a disliked person are often referred to as effigies or dummies. These are typically created to mock or ridicule the person in public or as part of a protest. Effigies can be made from various materials such as straw, paper, or fabric.

Why do people get mad when you're mocking them with your hand?

People get mad when you are mocking them with your hand because most people do not like to be mocked. Mocking a person can be embaressing to the person being mocked, and can make that person angry.

What person disliked Magellan?

his wife

What is a person who disciplines another called?

A person who disciplines another can be called a disciplinarian or an authority figure.

What is a crude brutish or obscenely coarse person called?

effigy; a crude figure representing a hated person.

What is a person who pitches a movie idea called?

(This person is a brave soul!) The person who pitches may be a screenwriter, a producer, an actor, a director, a sports figure, an author, a public figure, a professor, a lawyer, a carpenter, a homemaker -- anyone can pitch a movie idea. Mostly, this person can be called a storyteller.

What was the name of the person who invented figure skating?

The person who made modern day skating was named Jackson Haines. Fast Fact it is called figure skating because years ago someone saw this perfect pattern made from the ice with the skates which was called a figure eight on ice! Hope this helped

Can you give the meaning of disliked?

The meaning of disliked, is not preferred by others. It may be due to certain deficiencies not having of the person concerned, who has been disliked by others. Some times the adequate reason for disliking cannot be explained due to intricate nature of human beings.

What is it called when an object signifies a person?

That is called a metonymy. It is a figure of speech where one term is substituted with another term that is closely related or associated with it.

Who are some good holy people?

god and the pope... duhhh( not mocking god or the pope ), ( mocking the stupid person who asked this. ) - Mother Teresa, Jesus of Nazareth. If you are meaning more recent people then any bishop I guess.

Fra Angelico's 'Mocking of Christ' what is the hat a symbol of?

It is a very simple hat. Perhaps a sign of a simple person.

What do you do if the person you love is being bullied about fancying you too?

Bullying is not limited to male or female behaviour. I feel when a person is disliked , the others try to bully people who have positive feelings for the person. There was an unknown person who was disliked in my office so much that people used to talk utter rubish about him, how he got promoted , how characterless or ill mannered the person is, now since this person like a girl, they started tormenting the girl.