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Q: What is a monomial with no variables?
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What is the sum of the exponents of the variables of a monomial is the of the monomial?

The degree of a term is the sum of the exponents on the variables.

What is the monomial of 135ab?

135ab is a monomial, where 135 is its coefficient.A monomial is a number or a variable or a product of numbers and variables.

What is the numeric factor of the variable or variables in a monomial?

the coefficient

What is a number that is a variable or a product of a number and one or more variables?

A Monomial;)

What is the degree of a monomial that is the total number of times these occur as factors?


Why is a constant a monomial?

"Why is a constant a monomial?"The short answer is because a constant is a special typeof monomial.The reason for this is that the definition of a monomial reads: A monomial is"An expression that is eithera numeral (= a numerical expression which names a particular number, IE a constant),a variable,or a product of a numeral and one or more variables.""constant (monomial): A monomial consisting of a numeral only; a term with no variable factor. "

What is the meaning of the algebra term monomial?

any number or variable or product of numbers and variables

How do you find the degree of a monomial?

By definition, a monomial has only one unknown independent variable, usually represented by a letter of the alphabet. The exponent immediately after that symbol for the unknown is the degree of the monomial.

How do you know if a number is a monomial?

here is an example of a monomial: 4xy binomial: 4xy+5y trinomial: 4xy+5y-9x a monomial is just a number and a variable(or several variables) but with no addition or subtraction, multiplication or division with another term. hope that helped!

Is this number a monomial or binomial or trinomial 341a9?

Monomial. Monomial. Monomial. Monomial.

What is a monomial problem in algebra?

Monomial has two different meanings;1. is a product of powers of variables.2. The second meaning of monomial includes monomials in the first sense, but also allows multiplication by any constant, so that − 7x5 and (3 − 4i)x4yz13 are also considered to be monomials

Classify the following polynomial -32xyz?

Since no terms are added, it is a monomial (one term). Adding the powers of the variables (three variables, each to the first power), you see that it is of degree 3.