135ab is a monomial, where 135 is its coefficient.A monomial is a number or a variable or a product of numbers and variables.
the coefficient
By definition, a monomial has only one unknown independent variable, usually represented by a letter of the alphabet. The exponent immediately after that symbol for the unknown is the degree of the monomial.
Monomial. Monomial. Monomial. Monomial.
The degree of a term is the sum of the exponents on the variables.
135ab is a monomial, where 135 is its coefficient.A monomial is a number or a variable or a product of numbers and variables.
the coefficient
A Monomial;)
"Why is a constant a monomial?"The short answer is because a constant is a special typeof monomial.The reason for this is that the definition of a monomial reads: A monomial is"An expression that is eithera numeral (= a numerical expression which names a particular number, IE a constant),a variable,or a product of a numeral and one or more variables.""constant (monomial): A monomial consisting of a numeral only; a term with no variable factor. "
any number or variable or product of numbers and variables
By definition, a monomial has only one unknown independent variable, usually represented by a letter of the alphabet. The exponent immediately after that symbol for the unknown is the degree of the monomial.
here is an example of a monomial: 4xy binomial: 4xy+5y trinomial: 4xy+5y-9x a monomial is just a number and a variable(or several variables) but with no addition or subtraction, multiplication or division with another term. hope that helped!
The factor monomial for 30x^2y is the simplest expression that can be factored out from the given monomial. In this case, the factor monomial is 10xy, which is obtained by finding the greatest common factor of the coefficients and variables in the expression. This factor monomial represents the common terms shared by all parts of the original monomial, making it easier to work with in algebraic expressions.
Monomial. Monomial. Monomial. Monomial.
Monomial has two different meanings;1. is a product of powers of variables.2. The second meaning of monomial includes monomials in the first sense, but also allows multiplication by any constant, so that − 7x5 and (3 − 4i)x4yz13 are also considered to be monomials