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Q: What is a moving a figure around a fixed point in the plane is called making a line?
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What is Water moving all around the earth is called?

Water moving all around the earth is called the Water Cycle.

What is it called when you are scared of moving?

fear of motion or movement is known as Kinetophobia. Moving or making changes is Tropophobia, moving or being in an automibile is Ochophobia

What is something moving around a planet called?

it is moon

Figure-Eight cake making Method?

The figure of eight cake making method is just a way of "folding in" dry ingredients with the wet ingredients (usually a whipped eggs and sugar, if it requires a figure-of-eight method). Figure-eight folding requires you to fold the dry ingredients in with the wet, moving your spoon around the full size of the bowl in an "8" shape. This should ensure that no patches of ingredients are left uncombined and promotes efficient stirring with minimal deflation of the wet ingredients.

What is it called when the earth is moving in a slightly elliptical orbit around the sun?

It is called "Normal".

Moving in a circular path around a central point is called?

Circling around a central point is called orbiting.

What is the path of the moon moving around the earth called?

The orbit of the moon.

What Wegener called the process of continents or plates moving around?

He called the process 'continental drift'.

What are the ways a figure can be transformed?

A figure can be transformed through translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations.Translations involve moving the figure in a certain direction without rotating or flipping it. Rotations involve turning the figure around a point. Reflections involve flipping the figure over a line. Dilation involves resizing the figure proportionally.

What is moving in a circular path around a central point called?

An object moving in a circular path around a central point is called an orbit. This type of motion is governed by the centripetal force that keeps the object in its circular path.

What is a sliding figure?

a sliding figur is a figure moving without picking up its side

What is a moving chair called?

A moving chair is typically referred to as a wheelchair. It is a device with wheels that helps individuals who have difficulty walking or standing to move around.