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A banana is a non example of rate. They have nothing to do with each other.

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6y ago

A banana is a non example of a rate.

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Q: What is a non example of a rate?
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What are non-examples of a rate?

A banana are a good non-example since they have little - if anything - to do with a rate.

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Non-controllable costs are expenses that a manager has no authority to influence or change. One example is an employee's rate of pay.

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A rate is either a noun that is a measurement or quantity. Traditionally it is something that is measure against a contrary quantity for example; the rate of graduates would be the quantity of non-grads verses the quantity of grads.

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"Meger" is not an English word - perhaps you need to use the spell-check feature as you ask questions. Please ask the question again with the word spelled correctly. In any rate, a NON-example of the word might be an atom or a table.

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